Real Estate Life Annuity
The premise of the real estate annuity is to ensure a complementary pension during retirement by obtaining a monthly income, thanks to the Sale of Bare Ownership of the property.
With this, the usufruct of the home will be preserved and you will be able to receive an additional pension month by month to enjoy retirement with much more financial comfort.
Request information
What is Life Annuity?
Modalities of Real Estate Life Annuity
In all of the options, it is possible to receive an advance of capital (to be agreed).
Classic Life Annuity
A monthly life income is received in exchange for the sale of the bare property of the home, reserving in turn the right of usufruct of it throughout his life.
This is the most common option.
Temporary Life Annuity
The seller maintains the usufruct for life; however, the monthly payments will be received for a previously determined period of time.
Life Annuity Outside the Home
The seller renounces the right to use the home, but in exchange receives a higher monthly payment than the classic life annuity.
This option is most suitable for people who may wish to leave the home, to move to a residence for example.
Calculation of the Amount to Receive
Market value
It is obtained after carrying out a market study or through an official appraisal.
Life or Temporary Usufruct
If it is for life, the calculations are made based on the life expectancy of the usufructuary's age, according to the National Institute of Statistics.
Operation type
You can choose between receiving a single payment, a monthly income or a combination of these.
Calculate your Real Estate Life Annuity
Steps to Follow to Get a Life Annuity
To carry out this type of operations, only two requirements are needed:
1. preferably have 60 years or more.
2. Be owner of a property.
Formalization process
Advantages of Selling Bare Property
Free formalization expenses
The seller will not have to pay any kind of expenses related to the Notary's Office and the Land Registry. All the taxes derived from the operation will be assumed by the buyer, except for the Municipal Capital Gains Tax, which will be assumed by the seller.
Legal guarantees
It has all the legal guarantees, as all transactions are formally completed before a public notary and registered with the Land Registry.
Shared Ownership
The operation can be completed by two people ( e.g. spouses), as long as they are both the homeowners.
Forget the IBI and the spills
The usufructuary will stop paying for ever the receipts of the Real Estate Tax, the Community fees and the building insurance. It will only have to assume the ordinary quotas of the Community, the receipts of the supplies (water, light, etc.) and the Urban waste tax.
Rental and sale of usufruct
The usufruct holder has the right to rent the property or sell the usufruct.
Excellent tax treatment
If the operation is carried out on a property declared as a habitual residence, the usufruct holder is exempt from paying taxes for the increase of the patrimony in the IRPF.
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Frequently Questions
How many people can contract the product for the same house?
One or two people, as long as they are the owners of the house.
Who acquires the Nuda Property of your house?
An investor with extensive experience and a high level of specialization in the Spanish real estate market. Mas Vida We work with the best professionals in the sector.
Are Monthly Rents guaranteed?
Yes, through a Resolution Clause that is included in the Public Deed. This establishes that, in the event of non-payment of 2 installments by the investor, you reacquire Full Ownership of your house without having to repay the payments received to date.
When do you start receiving Monthly Rents?
From the moment you formalize the product before a notary and always within the first 7 business days of each month.
Do you need to live in the house in order to receive the Monthly Rent?
No, regardless of where you live you will continue to receive the Monthly Income of the Real Estate Life Annuity
Can you rent the house after formalizing the product?
Yes, this allows you to obtain an additional income in addition to the Life Annuity. Mas Vida We take care of finding a tenant and managing the rental so you don't have to worry about anything.
And if you have to repair the windows of the house or change the fridge… Who bears these expenses?
This type of expense continues to be assumed by the user, since the only home maintenance expenses that are transferred to the investor are the Real Estate Tax, extraordinary spills and home insurance.
product regulation
The Life Annuity is regulated in the Civil Code of Spain in articles 1.802 and 1.808.
Full Ownership
Full Ownership of a house is made up of 2 rights:
- Bare property
- Usufruct
En Mas Vida We transfer the Right of Bare Ownership of your house, while you continue to maintain the Right of Use and Enjoyment over it for life.